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My Star Wars Theories


After following many Star Wars theories and reading available tidbits – I have assembled my assessment of what will happen in Star Wars’ near future.

So, let’s try to guess what the Big Mouse has in store for us, shall we?

Are you ready?






My Theory


Maz Kanata will die, rather like her counterpart, Yoda.


Rose will replace Rey as Finn’s romantic interest as far as she is now the one encouraging and urging Finn to stay in the Resistance and be a hero.



Rose will be a straight-forward, bouncy, sidekick with possibly annoying dialogue.  She will not be a Lando Calrissian type character – that part will be reserved for Benicio Del Toro who will betray our heroes at some point.



Captain Phasma will have a somewhat vague demise, reminiscent of Boba Fett, where we’re not REALLY sure if she is eaten by a Sarlaac or not.  I know they kind of did that with the trash compactor in The Force Awakens, but since this new Star Wars franchise is basically repeating a lot of old themes, I’m sticking with it.

There will be enough doubt about Phasma’s demise to leave room for plenty of spin-off novelizations.



In The Last Jedi, Rey and Kylo will battle again (obviously) and some huge reveal will occur (obviously).  Kylo will sort-of win this duel since he sort-of lost the one in The Force Awakens.

And Now . .  .

“The Greatest Shock In Star Wars History”

(or at least since The Empire Strikes Back released)

 . . . the secret that is keeping Disney from releasing another trailer . . .


I propose that Rey is either a reincarnated version of Anakin Skywalker, ‘The Chosen One’ – or a reincarnation of Obi Wan.  I think it’s more likely that she’s “Anakin” – because this would bring dubious closure to the three trilogies.  Although with Kylo bucking to be Vader and then having to fight “Obi Wan” might be something they would do.


Yeah –

It’s –


OCTOBER AMENDMENT:  SECOND BIG SHOCK FOR VIEWERS – REY WILL TURN (temporairly) to the Dark Side.  I am certain that she will.  Probably because Luke isn’t helping her sufficiently or meeting her expectations or she thinks the Dark Side is somehow a good choice.  #reallyrey?



Rey will lose a limb at the end of The Last Jedi.  Hey, it’s a Star Wars tradition.



And speaking of people that lose limbs – Luke will be a lily-livered, ineffectual grump.  Gone will be the heroic, noble hearted hero that the WHOLE DARN SERIES WAS BASED ON.  Gone will be the corner stone of all Star Wars – the good, kind and wise Luke – WHO DESPITE EVERYTHING WOULD NEVER FALL.





BUT – the Last Jedi Luke will have suffered a devastating shock and disappointment – probably because of bad choices (which the REAL LUKE IN THE ORIGINAL TRILOGY WOULD HAVE NEVER MADE) and then he will “pull a Yoda” and go off to his lonely island to sulk because:  LIFE STINKS AND I DON’T TRUST MYSELF OR ANYBODY TO FIX OR DO ANYTHING and I’m just a LOSER.


WHO INTRODUCED THIS EVIL TWIN?  Disney – because THE HEAVENS WOULD PART IN OUTRAGE if we actually just had a straight, normal, noble, heroic, flat arc character who is a responsible, mature father figure for us to look up to.  BY ALL MEANS – LET’S TEAR DOWN THE FATHER FIGURES.  We all know that stupid young kids are the REAL heroes and we just need to get rid of the old people because they’re just too old, dumb and tired for words!


Laura Dern’s character

will be pro-peace (i.e:  peace at all costs) and at odds with Leia’s practical policies.  Laura Dern will make all sorts of foolish decisions but she won’t really be a villain, she’ll just be ‘misunderstood’ or ‘mistaken’ and people will make vague comments about how “Someday, in a better future, her politics will actually work.”


Leia will die at the end of The Last Jedi.  And no, I don’t think that just because Carrie Fisher passed away, I was holding to that theory for a long time.  I believe the three main characters of the old trilogy will be picked off one at a time to make room for the whippersnappers; allegedly, ‘passing the torch’.  Because, for some reason, we can’t have both old and young characters on the screen for an extended period of time.

 In The Last Jedi, Kylo and Leia will have a kind of confrontation but Kylo will not actually do anything to harm her.  I believe Leia will die in a kind of ‘staying behind on the ship’, scenario and that the real person responsible for her death will be . . .


Hux being responsible (or at least partially responsible) for Leia’s death will put more emphasis on the barely-utilized tension between him and Kylo.


Kylo will eventually kill Hux in episode 9 or 10, allegedly to forward himself, but maybe with some secret desire to avenge Leia.


Luke will die in episode 10 after imparting final words of wisdom to Rey and possibly one other character who is with her at the time.

Probably BB-8 .


And speaking of droids, R2-D2 (remember him?) will probably “die” with his Master or go out in a blaze of glory because he is so depressed about Luke’s inevitable demise (as am I).  This would make room for that round little interloper who, for some reason, has replaced R2 in fans affections.

C-3PO, having the same idiot’s luck that he’s always had, will be one very lucky droid and actually survive to the end of the trilogy.  BB-8 will be his new buddy and then you can have all the ‘old guy – young guy’ jokes.  #eyeroll


Chewie will die at some point in yet another blaze of glory.  Expect a lot of them people, there are a lot of characters from the original trilogy with death in their future.



Rey and Kylo will have a tormented, hinted-at romance until, finally, at the end of episode 10, the two of them will ‘Force bond’ – self immolating – bringing the Dark Side and the Light Side into one single force – the Gray Force – thus bringing a balance to the Force and finally ‘resolving their relationship’.



This ‘bonding’ will also destroy Snoke.  Yeah, I forgot about him till now . . .  Snoke, you may be ugly but you’ll never be The EMPEROR.

I think that Snoke is definitely not as large as he appears and may be something far more vague than an actual ‘person’ – but more of an ‘entity’.



The Jedi will be denounced as a snobbish clique who are hogging the Force for themselves.  The Jedi will be disbanded – or a new form of Grey “Mentors” (because, we can’t possibly have some kind of elite group in this new all-inclusive universe.  “Master” is a bad word!) will be formed as the galaxy realizes that the Force is for EVERYONE – not just a select few; because ‘all roads lead to enlightenment’.


The evidence for this ‘new way’ is already among us…

EVERYBODY CAN USE THE FORCE, NOW?  Yup.  No training, no initiation, and NO WORK.  Nobody has an advantage; everyone is a Master.  Nobody is excluded.


At the end of this new trilogy…

Finn and Rose will become a couple and sadly but boldly go on in the brave new world.

Oh yeah . . . and Poe.  The guy that was supposed to die in The Force Awakens and has been hanging around awkwardly since then.

Poe will take more of a leadership role in the Resistance, sort of “replacing” Leia.


Lastly – I repeat.

 ‘FinnRey’ will die.

The Force Awakens is a LOT like A New Hope (parodying one act and scene after another) so it makes sense that The Last Jedi will be a lot like The Empire Strikes Back.  Using this evidence and reasoning, Rey and Finn will NOT end up together.  At the end of A New Hope, it REALLY seemed like Luke and Leia would be a couple with Han just a hopeful hanger-on.  Empire Strikes Back rolls in and no such luck!  Surprise; Luke and Leia are brother and sister.

It would make sense thematically (since they seem to be parodying the original series so much) that Finn and Rey will remain platonic friends in the future of Star Wars.  Plus, since they are doing more of a ‘strong woman’ push with Rey, it makes sense that she would remain single or only have a slight romance, not be in a long-term relationship.

Also, a Star Wars exec made the comment that they had no idea which direction Star Wars would go after The Force Awakens.  Star Wars has a long history of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing and making up story lines as they go; filling plot holes with plot twists.  So apparently, the tradition lives on.


And that’s it, campers.

Note – I hate this.


I categorically hate my theory for the future of Star Wars – but I think this is what will happen.

(yes I know I’m mixing franchises with that James T. Kirk Gif but I’m going to do it anyway..)


I just wanted to put it in print and date it – so to speak – so I can look back later and see how close (or wrong) I was.  😀


 In the past, I have had some success at ‘predicting’ trends or twists in new movies and books – I think (and my sister does too) that I predicted some things in The Force Awakens before it released after sorting through the theories but now neither of us can remember (#braggingrightsgone).

I now have retrievable evidence.  😀


And one last thing, Disney.  PORGS WILL NEVER REPLACE EWOKS – EVER!  Especially when they’re not even CUTE.  NOTHING WILL EVER BE AS CUTE AS EWOKS, so don’t even try.




So what do you think will happen next in Star Wars?  What would you like to see happen?



10 thoughts on “My Star Wars Theories

    1. Haha! ‘fist pump’ I was hoping people would get a laugh out of it; thanks, Faith. 🙂

      Yeah…I really think so too. 🙁 – the trends are all pointing in this direction and the groundwork has been laid for a long time…

  1. Gray force??? They will probably do that… 🙁 As far as good storytelling goes, I think it would be neat if Rey represented Obi-Wan and Kylo represented Anikan. It would be a neat redemption story. But, who knows what will happen? (Just be careful sharing your theories, because Disney is probably scouring the internet for new ideas and now these will happen. 😛 )

    1. YUP – Gray Force – because nothing is good or bad anymore…allegedly.

      I hate the reincarnation idea, period. ‘shrugs’ – but I do think Obi Wan will be significant, either as a Force Ghost or as a reincarnation to quote ‘tie it all together’.

      HAHA – yeah, since they’re obviously grabbing any old idea from anywhere. 😀

  2. Wowsers. Well, this was depressing! To be honest, I really don’t agree with pretty much any of that. I think I have more hope in the movie makers than you! 😛 I suppose we’ll just have to wait and see who’s right! 😉

    1. Gabriellyn…it was satire! Taking a rather depressing scenario and making it funny. XD

      And I never have, and never will, have faith in Hollywood (Disney or any other studio) to do anything but follow through on their agenda and to do whatever they need to make a blockbuster movie. That always has and always will be their goal!

      LOL! Yup. we’ll see!

    1. Aww darn. Oh well….I guess I’m at the point now where “it is, what it is.” so I can poke some fun at it….

      I didn’t know you had watched Star Wars! Did you like them?

  3. WELL THE MUSIC WILL BE GOOD THOUGH. And I’ll probably like the movie until I start thinking about it and then go ‘wait oh yeah that happened in the originals’ XD
    I’m reeeally hoping that they don’t go and change star wars from an epic and fun series to pushing all the ‘political correctness’ of today’s world. It makes sense that they would, because that’s what the majority of people want. But…I really really hope that they just steer clear. :/

    1. YEEEES! Absolutely – the music will be amazing – so no matter what – I’ll have another Star Wars soundtrack to add to my collection. XD

      Aw yeah, I’m with you! I would definitely just prefer a straightforward adventure. :/ ‘high fives’

      In either event, I’ll still have the old original trilogy to watch and enjoy, so I’m good. XD

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