You got that right. *smirks* Anyway, let it be known that yet another one of my amazing blogger friends is releasing a book! *SQUEAKS* Congratulations, Hosanna!
I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Hosanna Emily at the Glory Writers Retreat last year. She is such a wise and lovely young woman and, obviously, I was very excited to be a part of our book release! I can’t wait for you to get to know her in this awesome AUTHOR INTERVIEW that we put together!
First, a bit about book and the book and the author . . .
The King’s blue flame quivers as a new fire arises, and Kadira must hold fast to the torch. It’s destiny; she’s a torch keeper.
A fiery revolution sweeps across the kingdom of Érkeos, and each person must choose a side. Kadira, a girl set apart to serve the King, finds her city engulfed in emerald flames. Her blue eyes mark her as the enemy, and she flees from death. It stalks her anyway. When she meets Rekém, the Liberation warrior sent to kill her, she rebels against the King’s ways. Two armies collide; indecision isn’t an option. As hearts and lives hang in the balance, Kadira and Rekém could bring destruction or liberation to the entire kingdom.
Release Date:
September 1, 2019
Add it on Goodreads
You can also connect with this gorgeous authoress (lookit that beautiful face!) via the links below!
Blog / Instagram
And now . . .
Welcome, Hosanna! Just to start things rolling, can you tell us a little about yourself?
“Hello Alli, it’s such a joy to be here! I’m Hosanna—an ordinary girl following an extraordinary God. My passion is to create descriptive writing that draws readers closer to Him, from poetry, short stories, novels, blog posts, and more. But in my non-author life, you would probably find me helping my little siblings with school, roaming through the woods, fellowshipping with dear friends, or working at a local music store.”
I can testify that fellowshipping with this girl is an absolute joy. 😊 So tell us, Hosanna – what inspired The Torch Keepers?
“This question goes way back!
Once upon a time, little me read a news article about two girls who decided to become terrorists. I stared at their pictures, wondering how beautiful, talented teenagers could pick such a terrible life. What happened inside them that was so dark and horrible?
But I forgot about the article. Until one day, in a college class, I wrote a short story. Accidentally, that story turned into the tale of the girls who left behind a pure life and chose darkness.
After that short story was written, I put it away. But God kept taking it back out. He flooded me with story ideas until I gave up and began writing the story I wish those girls could have read.”
Can you tell us a little about the characters and the world of The Torch Keepers?
“Oh girl, where would I start? Every character is part of this huge story the King is writing in the land of Érkeos. From the Sea to the desert and the western mountains, there’s a war raging in the hearts of the people as they decide their loyalty to the King or the Prince.
Every character is a part. And their lives change everything.”
What was your favorite part about writing The Torch Keepers?
“The writing process itself! The novel was written (and quickly edited) during a 2-month novel contest. Yes, that was crazy.
But God was strong in it! He revealed His Word to me during the writing. When I was dry for ideas, I went to Him, and He gave freely. Seriously, it blew me away. Write for Jesus, and things get way more fun.” 😊
A good reminder! Tell us a little about your writing process! When is your favorite time to write? What is your favorite writing spot, snack, drink? Any peculiar writing habits or quirks?
“I am a very random writer, actually. I write whenever I get time, and I usually have my handy, purple water bottle at the ready. If I get super fancy, I make a cup of tea. 😊
Typically, I like to start my writing with prayer (it makes a HUGE difference) and picking a theme verse for the chapter/scene. And then I sit down and write an entire chapter. I can’t stop until it’s over. 😁 I’m either writing for hours or not at all. Yes, that might not be the best idea.”
What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?
“Continuing. I like dreaming. Writing is good too. But when the draining times come, when I’m writing AGAIN, editing AGAIN, fixing mistakes AGAIN, I stare at the manuscript and wonder why I’m even a writer.
It’s a continual process of surrendering my plans to God’s and finding joy in the process. I enjoy writing… but when it drags on, things are not so fun.”
I hear you on that! So what is your favorite part about writing? Outlining, drafting, formatting, marketing, publishing?
“My favorite is the dreaming! Laying in bed late at night and thinking through scenes, becoming the characters, feeling what they feel. Ahh! That’s the best!”
What inspires you to write or recharges your creative spark?
“It’s all Jesus. He gives me stories, and my creative spark turns into fireworks. When I’m persistent in writing, He teaches me so much about Himself. Those are the sweetest times—when I stare at the paper and know that HE did something, not me.
Something else that inspire me: epic soundtracks + good books.”
Wonderfully put! What does literary success look like to you?
“Wow, ouch, girl.
It looks like surrendering to Jesus. If I write a thousand books or only one because I’m following His will, that’s success.
It’s having joy in the process. It’s about encouraging and blessing your readers. But first and foremost, success is between me and Jesus as I’m surrendered to His ultimate Story.”
Amen! What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?
*hugs all the writer friends*
“I have connected with so many awesome writer friends including Aleigha Israel, Victoria Lynn, Sarah Grace Grzy, Livy Lynn, E.C. White, Jessica Marinos, Cecelia Schmidt, Hailey Rose, Abigayle Claire, Amanda Tero, and other amazing authors + future authors. And they help me in more ways than I can count. From encouragement to keep going, writing critiques, prayer, fangirling moments. You guys are all awesome.” *more hugs*
That’s awesome! Will there be a sequel to The Torch Keepers?
“YES. And I can’t wait. *grins* But no spoilers…”
What are some of your favorite things to do other than writing?
“Ohh, where to start. I enjoy using ASL signing to songs, hiking through the creeks and woods, chatting with friends, spending time with Jesus, cooking, canning, gardening, making music. The list goes on.”
Can you tell us a bit about your future writing plans or projects?
“Basically, if God keeps giving me stories, I’ll keep writing!
First, that will look like working on The Torch Keepers’ sequel, but I also have dreams for dozens of character books—taking individual characters from The Torch Keepers and writing their life stories. After that, we’ll see! I might immerse more in historical or mystery stories eventually, but I like this world too much.
And other writing, poems and blog posts and short stories, come as inspiration flows!”
So exciting! Thank you so much for joining me for this wonderful interview, Hosanna and for sharing about your book and your heart!
“Thank you so much for the opportunity to share my heart, Alli! You people are amazing!” ♥
Do you follow Hosanna’s blog? Is The Torch Keepers on your TBR pile? Speak to me, friends!
This sounds so, so good! LOOOOVE your fire for Jesus and using your writing to glorify Him, Hosanna. Such a beautiful thing! <3
I can’t wait to pick up a copy of this book! *flails*
YES, Hosanna has such a beautiful spirit and her fire for Christ is always such an inspiration! <3
*Crashes in briefly to scream over this book*
ALLISON!!! It’s been absobloominglutely AGES and I’ve been such a terrible follower. *Hides in shame* How are you? How’s life? What’s going on with your amazing personage???
But on to the subject of the post…
You’re absolutely right – Hosanna is AMAZING!! I love her heart for God and her posts and her book and JUST. JUST. GAH!!!
Unfortunately, ordering off of the internet is not an option for me, but this book will definitely remain on my TBR REGARDLESS. Maybe one day I can meet Hosanna in person and BUY her book!!! OH THE DREAM.
But goodness I loved this interview SO much – and by the way I missed your lovely presence and your awesome gif-dominated posts so much. Unfortunately, I’ll be gone again in a little while…but hopefully sometime soon I’ll be back! 🙂
Anyway, it’ll be lovely hearing from you again – and CONGRATULATIONS HOSANNA!! You rock, girl. Your heart for Jesus is something I aspire for!
<3 <3 <3
Much hugs,
~ Lil
LILY – HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *RACES IN TO HUG YOU*
What – GOODNESS, NO! You are not a terrible follower – I am HORRIBLE about commenting on other people’s blogs! I know what it’s like!
Aww, I’m hanging in there, AND HOW ARE YOU??
Hosanna is such a gem! I’m so proud of her!
AHH – that would be amazing if you could meet her!! <3 I can testify that meeting her in person was incredible!
AWWWW, LIL, THANK YOU! You're so sweet! <3 You have no idea how much your cheery heart brightened my day!! *HUGS* Love your comments so much!!