After years of dreaming and planning, the day has finally arrived.
My sisters and I have launched our very own e-zine!
I am bouncing off the walls right now, guys.
Bouncing. Off. The. Walls.
Since there are no words to full describe my feelings right now, I had better stop screaming and just give you a few facts.
I mentioned in a previous post that I was going to publishing under a second name (a pseudonym) in the near future.
I have two styles of writing – one is my happy little P.G. Wodehouse-ian fairy tale voice and the other is my John Wayne action adventure voice.
I’m refining my current social media accounts (under my real name, Allison Tebo) to be my primary fairy tale-esque brand.
And now, I am ready to announce my pen name.
Hi. My name is Al Thibeaux. (Thibeaux is pronounced exactly like Tebo, by the way, it’s just a different way of spelling it).
Going forward, my action adventure spec fiction under the name Al Thibeaux will be largely published in our family run e-zine –
T Spec fiction.
Thibeaux is one of the most common French spellings of our name (once upon a time, we were French). We suspect that this might have been the original spelling of our name until our people came over to the United States and the original spelling got lost in translation.
It also means “bold/brave” which is pretty cool – and a fitting name for this bold new venture of ours.
So that’s the story. My older sister is publishing under the pen name “Tor” and my twin is publishing under the pen name “Jaq” (please include the French accent when pronouncing that, thank you).
So meet us: Tor, Jaq, and Al Thibeaux.
ABOUT THE NAME (of our e-zine)
That story’s simple enough.
During a family conference, it was suggested that we use the first letter of our last name T and combining it with speculative fiction – T Spec Fiction.
And the rest, as they say, is history.
T Spec Fiction was created from a passion to provide clean speculative fiction with an emphasis on adventure.
And so a family-run magazine for families was born.
Our stories will be covering most areas of speculative fiction including steampunk, science fiction, fantasy, historical fantasy, magical realism, and more!
T Spec will be releasing a quarterly e-zine of seven stories and, in between issues, we hope to publish other content, including serials, podcasts and, eventually, anthologies.
We want to take you on amazing adventures; to lost cities, to deep jungles, and lost planets. On these journeys you will be accompanied by talking animals, aliens, magicians, robots, and even monsters.
But whether our stories find you piloting a star-ship or sailing the seven seas, our hope is that you will find the escape you’ve been searching for.
AND NOW. *imitates drum roll* THE FIRST ISSUE. Almost 38,000 words of PURE GOODNESS.
Aside from the fact that I am exploding with excitement over this new venture, I am also just overwhelmed with pride over Tor and Jaq’s accomplishment, and I BURSTING AT THE SEAMS for the world to FINALLY read their writing!
I’ve been bragging on my sisters for quite a while now and I’m sure you’re itching to finally read their work. (WELL, AREN’T YOU????)
I mean, my older sister is the reason I started to write in the first place! The sibling writers club that’s been meeting weekly for the last thirteen years is the very backbone of what my writing has been built on. I could have never been published without my sisters. And now it’s their turn. I think I’m going to cry.
This has been our dream for a long time, and now it’s finally here. I can’t believe it.
Seriously, thank you in advance to every one of you that helps us spread the news. Your support makes such a difference and we truly appreciate your help in letting the world know that the Tebo (Thibeaux) sisters are HERE AT LAST.
Want a little sneak peek of what you’ll be reading? Check out these blurbs!
Rendezvous – by Tor Thibeaux (older sister): A middle-aged and utterly bored government worker defects to the West in the hopes that something exciting will finally happen to him.
One Last Shot – by Jaq Thibeaux (my twin): Science fiction meets Wild West in this piece of captivating flash fiction. A young woman faces off in a tense confrontation with a killer robot who stands in her way of freedom for her and her alien companion.
The Queen’s Cure – by Al Thibeaux (me): When an ancient and proud land is invaded by mechanical monsters, an ancient scribe details the events of the war and the legendary exploits of his country’s warrior queen.
Treachery Aboard The Nautilus – by Tor Thibeaux (older sister): In a reimagining of 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, a teenage assistant of Professor Aronax realizes there is treachery afoot onboard the Nautilus, and it’s up to him and Ned Land to stop it.
Seven Strong – by Al Thibeaux (me): In a thrilling steampunk retelling of Snow White, former dwarf jet troopers work together to save a girl from her villainous stepmother.
Night Raid On The Zone – by Tor Thibeaux (older sister): A young girl living in an oil field struggles to fight off feral marauders with the help of her animal companions.
Trent and Featherstone Episode 1 – Looking For Adventure – by Tor Thibeaux (older sister): Victorian sensibilities meet space colonization in the adventure of two young woman who team up to hunt tyrannosaurus in the steaming jungles of Venus.
Two pieces of flash fiction, three short stories, the first part of a novelette, and the first episode of a serial story (minor spoiler: Don’t worry, episode 1 doesn’t end with a cliff hanger)
4 thoughts on “The Tebo Sisters Have Officially Launched Their E-zine”
WHOOOOOO!!!! Oh my gracious, this is AMAZING! YOU’RE ALL AMAZING. You should see my grin right now! I’m just so thrilled and utterly in awe over all you’ve put together and are doing!
Cheering you all on as you continue to dive into this absolutely EPIC venture!
(Also, every single one of those stories sound INCREDIBLE. :O AAAHHHH!!!)
Congratulations, dear Ali ❤️ I canNOT wait to read this new style of your writing (I can tell it’s gonna be amazing) and your sisters’ stories as well!
WHOOOOOO!!!! Oh my gracious, this is AMAZING! YOU’RE ALL AMAZING. You should see my grin right now! I’m just so thrilled and utterly in awe over all you’ve put together and are doing!
Cheering you all on as you continue to dive into this absolutely EPIC venture!
(Also, every single one of those stories sound INCREDIBLE. :O AAAHHHH!!!)
Congratulations, dear Ali ❤️ I canNOT wait to read this new style of your writing (I can tell it’s gonna be amazing) and your sisters’ stories as well!
Downloaded and EXCITED!!!
How wonderful to have a passion project with your sisters.
It IS, such a blessing!!